The Benefits of Chemical Exfoliation

When it comes to exfoliation there are two options; physical and chemical. Whereas physical exfoliators use abrasive particles to remove dead skin cells, chemical exfoliators are non-abrasive and can provide better outcomes.

What is a Chemical Exfoliator?

Chemical exfoliators are typically formulated with either alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) or beta hydroxy acid (BHA), however more formulations with poly-hydroxy acids are now emerging onto the market.

There are many different types of AHA exfoliants, including lactic acid and glycolic acid, which work on the skin's surface to remove dead skin cells and help the skin to better retain moisture. AHAs can be particularly beneficial for dry skin to achieve a smooth and glowing complexion.

Salicylic acid is one of the most popular BHA exfoliants. These also gently remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and can penetrate deeper into the skin to unclog pores, remove impurities and prevent breakouts, making them particularly beneficial for oily skin types.

What are PHAs?

Poly-hydroxy acids (PHAs) work similarly to AHAs, however the molecules are significantly larger which means they can't penetrate as deeply into the skin. PHAs are highly effective on the surface of the skin, and they also have humectant properties, which enables them to attract moisture. As a result, PHAs may be suitable for much more sensitive skin types, as the risk of experiencing irritation is lower.

Are Chemical Exfoliators Better Than Physical Exfoliators?

While this is not true for all physical exfoliators, many are formulated with abrasive particles that are much too harsh on the skin and can leave micro-tears and injuries to the skin's surface. 

In addition to being very harsh on the skin, physical exfoliators can't penetrate as deeply into the skin. This means that they don't usually deliver the clearer, healthier and more youthful looking skin that can be achieved using a chemical exfoliator.

How Can Chemical Exfoliators Help My Skin?

Almost all skin types can benefit from chemical exfoliation, so let's take a look at some of the main benefits.

Treat Acne and Prevent Future Breakouts

Breakouts start as microcomedones, however, chemical exfoliants actively work to remove impurities and oil from pores to prevent blackheads and breakouts. Products that are formulated with salicylic acid also have anti-inflammatory properties, which will help to minimise redness and calm the skin.

Reduce Pigmentation and Minimise Sun Damage

As AHAs are designed to gently resurface the outer layers of the skin, over time, you'll notice that your complexion becomes brighter, and areas of pigmentation and sun damage will appear minimised.

Achieve Smoother, Clearer, Younger-Looking Skin

As chemical exfoliators are adept at removing dead skin cells and other pore-blocking impurities, they can help to reduce the appearance of dull, dry and flaky looking skin. As well as improving the overall texture of your skin, chemical exfoliators can also kick-start the skin's collagen and elastin production processes, which will help you to achieve a more youthful complexion by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Boost Hydration and Radiance

As there will be no impurities or build-up preventing them from absorbing into your skin, the rest of the skincare products in your routine will be better able to penetrate into the skin. This will enable you to get enhanced value from your skincare products, boost your hydration levels, restore lost radiance and achieve a healthy, youthful glow.

Want to Learn More about Chemical Exfoliators?

Chemical exfoliators can deliver skin-boosting benefits to almost everyone, but whether you're looking for a topical skincare product to incorporate into your evening routine or you're interested in a more intensive treatment such as a chemical peel, finding the right formulation for your skin is key.

If you've got any questions or want to arrange a consultation to have a chat about your skin concerns with one of our experts, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


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